Thursday, April 29, 2010

And I Finally Got To See

I finally got a chance to see David E. Talbert's Love In The Nick of Tyme courtsey of BET. Sundays BET has been geting it right. A few months ago they played Polly, and though I missed it, I appreciated them putting backk on the air for new viewers to see it's brillance. Now I was debating on buying Mr. Talbert's new DVD cause well, I'm broke and I can't afford to buy some random DVD that I don't know if it's good or not. Especially when I don't even own some of my favorite films on DVD. But the catch is, I do like Mr. Talbert's work and I really wanted to see it. And the cast line up seemed really interesting. Morris Chestnut, Avant, Treynce from American Idol and Terry Dexter. Luckily enough BET heard my silent cry and BET put it on the air, I of course didn't know about it, but my mom did and recorded it. It was good. Mr. Talbert's work is very professional and refined, though I don't think this was his best play....I really enjoyed it. And I was able to enjoy more, because it didn't jeapordize any of my funds. The one thing in the play.....that was like oh lord...though it's petty of me....he had a character named Jeryline.

Being that my lead character's name is was like oh man...people going to think I stole that from him....but really I was mor ebotheres by the fact that the name, imo, didn't really fit the character. The name's two powerful for such a samll charcter. But that's just how I see it.

In other news BET is also airing the movie that I rented and posted about, Truth Hall. I debated spending the $3.00 to rent this movie off of Amazon and finally talked myself into and was highly upset that I did. Now.....oh man....hindsight....I should have waited. BET would have played it all along and I would of found out I didn't like it...for free.

But either or....I really do appreciate BET exposing those Black Films and Black Artists...whether the work is great or still aspiring. I wonder what I have to do to get The Birthday Dinner on the Sunday lineup.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Heart The Color Purple

Sometimes life work out right. Got a call from Ms. Kristina Marshall who played Judith in The Birthday Dinner. She's doing fine btw. Well, long story short, she stumbled upon two tickets to The Color Purple and was even having trouble giving the extra ticket away...that is until she called me. I had no idea that the tour was coming around here, which I really need to get on cause I don't want to miss anything else.

Needless to go into detail....the play was amazing. It was just amazing. I feel very honored to see a great show like this as I don't have the means to go to New York to catch all of the Broadway show's I would love to see. Though the show was great, I did see the touring production. The cast did amazingly...but I would love to see Fantasaia as Ceily. Oh my. I would love to see that. But I'm happy I at least saw something and what I did see was amazing.

Spotlight: Actors Who Killed It

Luis Guzman

You most deffinetly recognize this face when you see it. This actor, Mr. Guzman, has been in about every Latin/Hispanic (sorry I'm not sure what term is politically correct) movie/show that has been out, except for Ugly Betty for some strange reason. At least I didn't see him on it. Well he is currently on a show on HBO called How To Make It In America which stars homeboy who played Jake on One Tree Hill, my favorite rapper, Kid Cudi, and one of my favorite rising actors, Victor Rasuk. Well Mr. Guzman is killing it on this show. All of those years of taking part in all of those movies are really showing effect in some great performances by this man. Could he be the next Monique?
Josh Zuckerman
Do you watch Desperate Housewives? You might not recognize him in this picture, but this is Eddie. The homeboy who is killing on the woman and the actor who is just killing it. His performance on this past Sunday's episode hit me like a tidal wave. I was blown away, but the depth of it...but Desperate Housewives imo does provide good quality moments very often. You might also remember this Josh from his role on Klye XY. He was Lori's professor boyfriend who appeared to be double dipping between good and evil, but abc fmaily canceled the show before everything are anything was really cleared. Anyway, proud to see Mr. Josh move on and to something that made him shine like the one I am mentioning.

Wendie Malick
This lady played the principal in the squeal to Alvin and the Chipmunks and killed it. I know, the Alvi and the Chipmunks movie....I like brother who didn't want to watch it...liked it...and this women killed it. I checked out her IMDB and she's been acting for years. I even recognized her once I saw her filmography. I guess some actor's never get into that super bright spotlight, but Wendie: you are killing it. Keep doing it. BTW Theodore is so great. I heart him.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And I Finally Got To See

I finally worked up the nerve and spent the money buying the beloved Polly. The Disney African American TV Musical Movie Directed By Debbie Allen. Polly is an adaption of Pollyanna. Basically if Pollyanna and her people were black...and the result is it would be good. It was good. It even had a sequel, in which I brought too. The sequel deffinetly pale in comparison to the first, but man is it nice to see a world you love extend and to see those characters and bonds alive once more...even if it's not as great. At least I like things like that.

Well though the sequel fell off a bit, what I really enjoyed most was seeing the realtionship between Polly and Jimmy Bean. I guess I'm a sucker for a good love story or what seems to be a good love story.

Now this is Polly and Jimmy Bean then.

And this is Polly and Jimmy Bean now.

I would love to see a third film. These kids have grown up to be beautiful people and that is of course the makings of a great TV romance. All jokes aside it would be great to see Polly and Jimmy bean togather again as adults in a whole new action adventure story. Come on Debbie Allen...make this happen for me. lol.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why Did I Get Married Too

So the man who I get much comparison to,premiered...well ya'll all know...Why Did I Get Married TOO came out last weekend. I saw it twice. By circumstance, but happy I did. I get to view the movie two different ways. I was actually able to watch the movie once and take in the movie for the script, camera angles, acting, facial expressions, plot, etc...and then I was able to take in the movie by how it impacted the audience...seeing what made them react and learning even more what makes an audience tick or in some cases what ticks them off.

I thought the movie was good. I've had this and I've heard that about the film, but for what the film was and for the audience that it was really made for, it was great. The audience was really into it. I don't think it had that same thing the first movie had, but that being said this movie was more grabbing due to it's complex plot that kept me on my toes.

Janet was amzing in the movie. I always thought she was a great actress since Poetic Justice than as I got older I got acquainted with her earlier works TV works. I have no idea why Janet has done more films (then again she is a busy singing superstar.) But there was a apart in the movie and Janet turned around and I looked at her eyes and her face, and Janet was completly gone. I thought that was pretty cool as an actor watching another actor and as a Janet Jackson fan. It was interesting to see her disappear and be totally lost in someone else or another emotion than what is commonly seen.

Overall, I think Tyler Perry...well obviously the man is doing well...I think he's getting better at the movie thing too. I hope he starts to put more focus on qulaity of film. I believe that would be the next step for him to break out of the box he's being put into. Maybe with the next project he'll do it. His necxt film is a movie version of the play Four Colored Girls Who've Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is not Enough. And the movie has an allstar cast. I'll post about it later.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Christmas Dinner Reading

Returning from my 2nd trip to the E.R. in a three month span...and amongst other dramas of life, I would like to focus on some positive aspects of life. That being said...The Christmas Dinner is going to have a reading. I'm very excited about it. As of right now I have 8.5 of my 10 actors needed which excites me because putting together schedules is a tough I'm happy to have 8.5 schedules that had some free time. The Christmas Dinner will only be a reading, not a staged reading, or a production (as of now). I'm just having a reading to kind of hear how the words sound, what works and what doesn't work, and of course to reunite with my incredible cast from The Birthday Dinner with the addition of two new actors for the two new characters that are introduced in The Christmas Dinner. Anyway for those who may or may not read this blog, and for those who are interested in my work, saw The Birthday Dinner and enjoyed, or whatever and would like to hear the reading of The Christmas Dinner...send me an e-mail...or make a comment on this post. I may have a few places avilable and it could be beneficial to have a few ears. IDK. Since it's not a staged reading...I do feel I have to limit what ears hear, since it will be a cold read for the cast. But all that is details. Hopefully everything works out and hopefully I stop needed to go to the E.R.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Birthday Dinner Cast Updates

You can see Hunter Burke (Miles) At the end making a cameo in the WWE Film 12 Rounds starring WWE Superstar John Cena. We'll deffinetly be seeing Hunter on the screen more and more and more.

Kenny Gabriel (Guy Channing) has been a very busy man. He was a ina production of a great show called Indigo Blues at Cite des Art, downtown lafayette. He was amazing in it btw. From therem he went on to be in Good Thing, The ULL Performing Arts Production for this semster. I was able to see the show, since Drood ran at the same time, but I did go to a rehearsal and what can I say that hasn;t been said. Kenny is great. He is now going to step into directing and direct a scene from the play, Kimberly Akimboo.

Kristina Marshall (Judith) recently performed a selection from Porgy and Bess as part of a youth outreach put on by PASA meant to bring awareness of issues to teens through the use of art.

Amandah Baker (Emma) held the exteme position of Assitant Stage Manager for the ULL PFAR Production of Good Thing.

Jeremy Drewrey (KC Jeremy willbe in two of the driecting scenes this year for PFAR's annual showcase, one being Kenny's scene from Kimberly Akimboo. Very excited to see Jeremy since last semster he gave a really solid standout performace during that semster's showcase.

More updates to come to keep you informed on these talented actors and bright stars.

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Me(Rev. Crisparkle) Lana Carver (Rosa)

The Singer Part returned for a few months. I've been busy with ULL Lafayatte Music Department's Production of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, in which I was offered the role of the Rev. Crisparkle. Drood was my very first musical...and it had a full blown orchestra. I had only sang with a piano and drum before...and once to acoustic guitar. It was a huge stretch. Also it was a musical...and I've mentioned on this blog before...I'm not much of a musical theatre singer...but I felt it would be the best thing for me if I at least try my hand at it. I sucked at first and got better as it went a long, and even had some good moments. I don't believe I had good singing vocal moments...because as a singer...I don't use my voice or don't know how to use my voice under those circumstances. Kudos to those who do...(the other incredibly talented membes of the Drood cast)to have even stood on the stage and sing with such incredibly talented people is an honor and a really great oppurtunity.

The Birthday Dinner Honored

So I have some great news, that I'm posting about 2 months later. I have to apologize to anyone who may actually be reading this blog, for not updating it more regularly. But off with the news....back in Feburary...amongst having a really crazy week, I get a phone call from a lady named Gretchen Smith who is the chair of The Kenedy Center Acmerican College Theatre Festival for it's Sixth Region. She called me on a Tuesday morning, and told me that my play, The Birthday Dinner was one of the top plays at the festival, she wanted me to go to the festival Friday to be there for a reading of the play on Saturday.

To even add to the honor...I didn't technically submit my play to the Region Six that was the first shocker...I did send it to Ms. Gretchen...but I technically submitted the play to the national festival...because the Regional Festival did not have a category for my play. The competitions were 1 acts and 10 Minute Plays...but Ms. Gretchen liked the play enough to make it an the play is lenghty to say the least and there was not enough time to read all of we were set to only read the first act...Ms. Gretchen re-arranged the schedule so the entire play could be read. The reading was cool. It was interesting to have my play read by Actors from other universities and people I didn't know. I got some great feedback. And now I'm a Honored Playwrite by The John F. Kennedy Center of Performing Arts, Kennedy American College Theatre Festival Region Six For Excellence in Original Playwrighting.

Can you believe? Well yeah...BELIEF...that's what it all took.